
Prismatica reversible
Prismatica reversible

The fungus is easily identified and probably common, but reports are infrequent because apothecia are usually found only on the underside of moist, well-decayed logs of hardwood species or in places where the wood is covered by moss or soil ( Pomerleau, 1980 Strödel, 1984 Keizer, 1990 Spooner and Legon, 1999). These features, along with phylogenetic analyses of large subunit and small subunit rDNA, indicated that this unusual apothecial fungus is, surprisingly, more closely affiliated with the Dothideomycetes than the Leotiomycetes.Ĭatinella olivacea (Batsch) Boudier produces clusters of distinctive, flattened, dark olivaceous apothecia, up to 1.5 cm across, with a vertically furrowed, ochraceous margin ( Boudier, 1907 Breitenbach and Kränzlin, 1981 Spooner and Legon, 1999). Furthermore, the ascus had a prominent ocular chamber and released its ascospores through a broad, bivalvate slit. For example, the ascoma developed from a stromatic mass of meristematically dividing cells and involved the formation of a uniloculate cavity within a structure better considered an ascostroma than an incipient apothecium. olivacea was unusual among other discomycetes in the Helotiales (Leotiomycetes). We interpreted this as an adaptation for ascospore disperal by arthropods.

prismatica reversible prismatica reversible

An examination of the development of the discomycetous ascomata in pure culture, on wood blocks, and on agar showed that the epithecium was gelatinous at maturity and entrapped released ascospores in a slimy mass. Because this habitat would lack the air currents upon which discomycete species normally rely for the dispersal of their forcibly ejected ascospores, we suspected an alternative disseminative strategy might be employed by this species. The results are unique pieces that are impossible to reproduce.Catinella olivacea is a discomycetous fungus often found fruiting within cavities in rotting logs. The garments are impregnated with special products that react to light in a dark room and are then individually exposed to light, placing specially designed calotype filters in between, so that the rays of light that pass through them create “photographic” patterns and designs. Stone Island has drawn on this technique giving it a modern take, integrating them with a broader spectrum of colours than the original black and white. With the advent of the Daguerreotype, the first photographic process for the development of images, light became the tool of creation. Stone Island goes on a journey in time in search of the moment when light became the absolute master. Restoring importance to it through the creative act. Investigating the past to invent the future. The coating of the fabric makes it water and wind resistant. The diverse refraction and colour intensities, as well as the drippings and ticking effects, make each piece unique and unrepeatable.

prismatica reversible

The finished garment has been individually handsprayed and then individually oven dried. Subtle bicolour effects on seams define the architecture of the piece.ĥ615 STONE ISLAND SS’012_LIQUID REFLECTIVE JACKETįield jacket in an exclusive fabric that is highly reflective thanks to a coating made of thousands of glass microspheres.

prismatica reversible

Specific double dye formulas enable colour capture on the light textile base, resulting in the intense and deep tones of this composite material. 5615 STONE ISLAND SS’012 _ MUSSOLA PRISMATICAĪ result of the purest Stone Island research, Mussola Prismatica is an exclusive fabric with a considerable visual impact.Įngineered by bonding an extremely light cotton muslin to a glossy, transparent, finely grooved polyurethane film.

Prismatica reversible