A ranged unit, like an archer, plus the wall structure provided by Masonry technology will allow you to fire on enemies from your city at distance, and hold off sieges more easily. If you’d rather focus your production on wonders and infrastructure there’s a simple two-step combo to defend yourself. That doesn’t mean you have to fight directly, however.
Your path to victory isn’t set in stone, but since Revolution 2 campaigns don’t last as long as the main series you don’t have the time to dawdle. A military victory, on the other hand, might want to consolidate power in a single metropolis before raiding other civilizations. If you’re like me, and prefer technological victories, you can work towards the proper research while gaining the added benefits of high technology. Pick a Path Early: On the topic of planning ahead, it’s good to know where you want to go.It’s pretty embarrassing when you build up a massive battalion, only to have it cut to ribbons on the offensive, and lose your cities the next turn because they’re undefended. It’s better instead to use siege weapons – like catapults – to whittle down enemy defenses before engaging with armies. Without the scouting skill you won’t know how many foes are hidden within cities, and entrenched units always fight with an advantage. It’s easy to build an army of sword-slinging warriors and throw them at an enemy’s gates, but it’s a seriously bad idea. Prepare for Battle: If you’re fine with a little bloodshed, and a military victory is for you, don’t be too aggressive.Start working towards them early, instead of shotgunning momentarily useful tech, and you’ll have a leg up over the competition. By tapping them you can see the prerequisites for those projects, and the prerequisites for those prerequisites. The best way to do this is by checking the tech tree’s late-game options and picking one or two absolute musts. Technology takes longer and longer to produce, so you need to prioritize. After the first quarter-dozen projects, however, you need to start thinking of your future. Everything has its benefits, and really, you’ll want most of the starting tech anyway. Check your Tree: In the early goings it doesn’t really matter what you choose to research.With galleons (or the Lighthouse of Alexandria) you can access those as well. Rushing naval technology makes finding it first quite easy, with some added benefits: ruling the sea gives you a leg up on land-oriented enemies, and most other wonders are located on islands anyway. The trick is you can only find it with an open-water sea vessel – such as a Galleon.
This is arguably the best discovery, as it provides an explosion of finished technology free of charge. In CivRev 2, one such wonder – hidden on every map’s ocean – is Atlantis. These are structures that, when discovered, provide benefits to your faction – free of charge. Find Atlantis… and Everything Else: Every map in every Civilization game has ancient and natural wonders.For instance, if you have high-power sea or air vessels, land-only civilizations leave you alone more often. Another worthwhile trick is having more advanced units in one respect than another nation. Raising a standing army, but not using it against anyone, delays conflict, and usually keeps armies from laying siege to cities. The best method I’ve found for keeping them at bay is implied power. Before long, other nations will be declaring war on you (though their threats are relatively toothless on normal difficulty) for no apparent reason. Forward the Hegemony: Whether you like it or not, CivRev 2 tends to balance in favor of military might in the early and mid-game.